Law Officer at Kancelaria lexwibor
Warszawa, Poland
Jeśli jesteś kredytobiorcą i masz wątpliwości co do swojej umowy kredytowej, być może masz podstawy do działań prawnych wobec banku. Kancelaria WIBOR może ci pomóc w zrozumieniu Twoich praw i podejmowaniu odpowiednich kroków.
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Kancelaria WIBOR - Twoje prawa jako kredytobiorcy Jeśli jesteś kredytobiorcą i masz wątpliwości co do swojej umowy kredytowej, być może masz podstawy do działań prawnych wobec banku. Kancelaria WIBOR może ci pomóc w zrozumieniu Twoich praw i podejmowaniu odpowiednich kroków. Jedną z opcji, którą warto rozważyć, jest usunięcie WIBOR z umowy kredytowej. Jeśli sąd uzna, że WIBOR jest ustalany wadliwie i stanowi niedozwolone klauzule umowne, możesz mieć prawo do zwrotu wszystkich dotychczasowych opłat odsetkowych. Nadal będziesz spłacać kredyt na dotychczasowych warunkach, ale bez dodatkowych odsetek. Inną możliwością jest redukcja oprocentowania kredytu. Sąd może uznać, że część oprocentowania oparta na WIBOR jest nieważna, pozostawiając jedynie koszty banku w postaci marży. To może znacząco zmniejszyć kwotę, którą musisz spłacić. Jeśli sytuacja jest poważniejsza, istnieje również opcja unieważnienia umowy kredytowej. Jeśli sąd uzna umowę za nieważną z powodu wadliwego ustalania WIBOR, może to oznaczać konieczność zwrotu całej kwoty kredytu. Jednak nie jest to zawsze najkorzystniejsze rozwiązanie, szczególnie jeśli nie spłaciłeś jeszcze całego udostępnionego kapitału. Nie zapominaj również o kosztach sądowych. Jeśli wyrok będzie korzystny dla ciebie, bank może być zobowiązany do zwrotu kosztów postępowania sądowego. Pamiętaj, że każda sytuacja jest inna, dlatego warto skonsultować się z prawnikiem specjalizującym się w sprawach kredytowych. Kancelaria WIBOR może ci pomóc w
Nature of Business
Professional Services
Industry Business Services & Consultancy > Other
Location(s) Warszawa (Poland) |
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GlobalLinker is an online networking platform with 450,000+ members that helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) connect with each other, grow their businesses, and access new markets. It is a one-stop shop for SMEs, providing them with community and commerce features helping them in 4 significant ways:
Digitisation: GlobalLinker can help you digitise your business by creating a digital profile that is SEO enabled, building an e-commerce enabled catalogue/store, and offering tools such as supply chain management to digitise and streamline your business. Your catalogue will also be listed on the GlobalLinker marketplace, enabling you to get enquiries.
Networking: You can find and connect with other SMEs in your country and globally through GlobalLinker's online marketplace and matchmaking algorithms.
Partner solutions: GlobalLinker partners with reputable organisations to offer SMEs preferential rates on a variety of services, such as banking, insurance, and marketing.
Access to overseas markets: GlobalLinker can help you get listed on the Indian Business Portal, a B2B digital marketplace that enables SMEs from India to showcase their products to the entire world, identify new markets for their products, and grow their sales with new buyers.
You can directly plug-in your catalogue in the GlobalLinker marketplace so that your products can be found by other buyers and you can start getting enquiries.
GlobalLinker is a valuable resource for SMEs looking to grow their businesses. The platform offers a variety of tools and resources to help SMEs digitise their operations, connect with potential customers and partners, and access exclusive deals and discounts.
Here are some of the benefits of using GlobalLinker:
Digitised online presence: You can build your online presence and catalogue from GlobalLinker. You can enable your catalogue to receive inquiries or payments, and share your catalogue with your existing clients to digitise your order management.
Increased inquiries/sales: You can connect with potential customers/businesses from all over the world and explore new markets, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business.
Improved efficiency: You can digitise your operations and streamline your business processes with tools like, Supply chain management solutions, BrandLinker. This can save you time and money, and allow you to focus on growing your business.
Enhanced networking: You can connect with potential partners and suppliers. This can help you grow your business and reach new markets.
Access to exclusive deals: GlobalLinker partners with reputable organisations to offer exclusive deals and discounts to its members. This can save you money on products and services that you need for your business.
You can find potential buyers/ clients on GlobalLinker for your business in 3 ways -
You can connect with SMEs from your target industry on GlobalLinker by reaching out to them and sharing your business profile with them
You can also share your business profile on GlobalLinker timeline and potential buyers/clients can reach out to you for your products/services
You can add your products and create a digital catalogue which will become a part of the GlobalLinker marketplace where other SMEs looking for similar products can find you and reach out to you
If you are a manufacturer/trader then your digital catalogue can become a part of Indian Business Portal: a B2B digital marketplace which promotes SME exports, helps them in getting into new markets and find new foreign buyers.
GlobalLinker is a valuable resource for SMEs looking to grow their businesses. The platform offers a variety of tools and resources to help SMEs digitise their operations, connect with potential customers and partners, and access exclusive deals and discounts.
Here are some of the benefits of using GlobalLinker:
Digitised online presence: You can build your online presence and catalogue from GlobalLinker. You can enable your catalogue to receive inquiries or payments, and share your catalogue with your existing clients to digitise your order management.
Increased inquiries/sales: You can connect with potential customers/businesses from all over the world and explore new markets, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for your business.
Improved efficiency: You can digitise your operations and streamline your business processes with tools like, Supply chain management solutions, BrandLinker. This can save you time and money, and allow you to focus on growing your business.
Enhanced networking: You can connect with potential partners and suppliers. This can help you grow your business and reach new markets.
Access to exclusive deals: GlobalLinker partners with reputable organisations to offer exclusive deals and discounts to its members. This can save you money on products and services that you need for your business.
Business Services & Consultancy: OverviewThe business services & consultancy industry is a broad industry encompassing many different categories of business operations – most of them provide some sort of financial or non-financial service to other companies. The GlobalLinker Advantage for the Business Services & Consultancy SectorA growing base of Business Services & Consultancy businesses are part of the GlobalLinker platform. This includes business owners in the following categories — Financial Management & Control, General Services, Human Resources, IT & Technology, Legal Services, Management Consulting, Process & Certification, Sales, Marketing &a...
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